Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Homemaker's Dilemma: Parts 4,5 and 6

If you haven't already checked out the posts I have been linking to from the girltalk website I strongly suggest you do. In a very roundabout way they have brought this discussion full circle and have addressed many sides to the women's responsibility in the home debate. Their answers are very God honoring and shed a lot of light as to what a women is to do in the situations that may seem hopeless. They have addressed lazy husbands and ungrateful husbands. Also, how a working women glorifies God through her role in helping her husband provide as well as owning her responsibilities at home. Their answers to these tough questions are not at all offensive or harsh. They are very realistic and straight from the word of God. This series they have done has helped and challenged me in many ways this past week. It has brought some confusion and frustration but ultimately, it has reminded me of the sweet relief we find in trusting God. His will is good. His plans are perfect. And we can continuously trust in Him for guidance, support and love.

Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

Monday, June 22, 2009

Giveaway Results

A little side note before I list the winners. This past week I have been using my All free and clear 3x detergent and I love it. It's fresh, clean and works great!

The winners from the contest chosen at random from are:


The winners have been notified by e-mail.
This was fun! I hope to get another opportunity for a contest soon!